On 6 and 7 October 2018 we are building a Fun Palace at the Gate Theatre and we need your help to make it.
Led by local people, for local people, it’s a place to come together, to make together, to be together as a community.
Over the course of the weekend there will be free food, open mic sessions, music and practical workshops. It’s a place to learn something new, to share a skill with others, and most of all to have fun.
6 October
SWAP SHOP. Bring books, clothes and accessories for our Swap Shop.
7 October
Workshops from 12 – 4pm. We'll have zine making and a singing workshop. There are still slots available so if you would like to lead a workshop, let us know!
Open Mic - there are still slots available. If you would like to perform some spoken word, music, magic, stand-up, let us know!
If you have a skill you want to share or something you’d like to learn get in touch with us here. Alternatively, email us on gate@gatetheatre.co.uk or call 0207 229 5387. We’d love to hear from you.
Find out more about Fun Palaces - the worldwide movement for cultural democracy, here: www.funpalaces.co.uk