- #PullUpOrShutUp: Our Statistics
- 2020 at the Gate
- 40 Years In 40 Weeks
- 40 Years in 40 Weeks: The Gate Theatre Archive
- A Statement from The Gate regarding Covid-19
- About Open Gate
- About Open Gate
- An open Letter to Theatre and Performance Makers
- Artists
- Artists and Partners
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- BLACKLASH: Rachael Young + Guests- Recording
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- Contemporary Playwriting and Theatre Translation Cultures in Europe
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- Fabulamundi Workbook: Czech Republic
- Fabulamundi Workbook: France
- Fabulamundi Workbook: Italy
- Fabulamundi Workbook: Poland
- Fabulamundi Workbook: Romania
- Fabulamundi Workbook: Spain
- Fabulamundi Workbook: United Kingdom
- FAQs for Bootycandy Black Out
- Gate Drop in Sessions
- Gate Generations
- Gate Generations Events
- Gate Late: Gate Generations Recording
- Gate Late: Island Poetry on Stage
- Gate Late: New Dreams Exhibition Launch
- Gate Lates
- Gate Lates + Podcasts
- Gate Theatre Privacy Policy
- Gate Theatre Website Terms of Use
- Gateways: Wish You Were Here
- Global Origins: REROUTED
- Green Gate
- Home
- International Town Hall: How Do We Rebuild Better?
- Jobs
- Join Our Supporters Scheme
- Letters
- Letters Recordings
- Letters: Alex Austin & Nigel Barrett
- Letters: Annie Siddons & Joseph Akubeze
- Letters: Hannah Ringham and Nina Bowers Show Three
- Letters: Irfan Shamji & Elizabeth Chan
- Letters: Kayla Meikle & Chris Thorpe
- Letters: Nina Bowers & Hannah Ringham Show Two
- Letters: Phoebe Fox & Thalissa Teixeira
- Letters: Tim Crouch and Nadia Albina
- LGBTQIA+ History Month Podcast
- Lockdown Diaries
- Look Around: Stories at Home
- Mailing List
- Manifesto for our Future
- My Account
- New Dreams
- Online shows test page
- Open Gate Projects
- Our Mission and Vision
- Our Supporters
- Placements at the Gate
- Podcast: Does Art Have the Power to Change the System?
- Podcast: What does it mean to be be Queer in form?
- Podcast: What Does it Mean to Declare a Climate Emergency?
- Prayer Workshop
- Producer
- signup
- Sitemap
- Spektrix Blank
- Support Our Shows
- Supporting The Gate
- Test Page
- The Board
- The Letters Project
- The Letters Project – Summer 2021
- The Team
- The Unknown Island
- Theatre Cultures in Austria and Germany
- Updates from The Gate Theatre
- Ways to Give
- What’s On
- Wish You Were Here (UK Premiere)
- Workshops
- WP File download search
- Your farewell visit to Notting Hill
- Your Visit
Blog Posts
- 2024 at the Gate
- CEO Reflection November 2024
- Paige Evans: General Manager’s blog
- The Gate’s Creative Associate Atri Banerjee on ‘Wish You Were Here’
- The Gate’s 2023 Round-Up
- Bootycandy Rehearsal Diary: Week 2
- Bootycandy Rehearsal Diary: Week 1
- Introducing our new Executive Director and CEO: Nicola Clements
- Gate Theatre announces its first season in Camden
- Gate Theatre launches urgent appeal to Keep The Gate Open
- Gate Theatre Chair Shami Chakrabarti’s statement in response to the Arts Council England decision
- Meet Shami Chakrabarti: Our Chair
- Announcing our farewell exhibition in Notting Hill – Route 27: Voices
- We’re Recruiting! Executive Director / CEO
- Announcing Gate Theatre’s first show in Camden this October
- Introducing our new Chair of the Board: Shami Chakrabarti
- FAQs – Gate Theatre Camden
- Gate Theatre is moving to Camden
- Introducing four new Associates
- Gate Theatre’s Executive Director and CEO Shawab Iqbal will move on to Leeds Playhouse this autumn
- Meet Alice: Our Producer at Gate Theatre
- Meet Wofai: our Interim General Manager at Gate Theatre
- Meet Isabelle: Our Marketing Manager at Gate Theatre
- Meet Faiza: Our Development Manager at Gate Theatre
- Introducing our new Interim Artistic Director: Stef O’Driscoll
- New Team at the Gate!
- Announcing Artistic Director Ellen McDougall is stepping down
- Autumn workshops: Q&A with Peter Brathwaite
- Autumn workshops: Q&A with Elayce Ismail
- Kwame Owusu reflects on Sunset Baby by Dominique Morisseau
- Artistic Director Ellen McDougall chats to journalist Susannah Clapp
- Hosanna Johnson reflects on writing ‘GEORGE’ for Gate Generations
- Rachael Young: Freelance Taskforce – some reflections
- Little Words From the Apocalypse: Italian Author Valentina Diana – Part 2
- Little Words From the Apocalypse: Italian Author Valentina Diana – Part 1
- Introducing our new Executive Director and Joint CEO – Shawab Iqbal
- Pandemic Journal: Polish Author Artur Palyga
- Freedom Exercises: Italian Author Francesca Garolla
- Design is a political act – let’s use it to reshape the future by Rosie Elnile
- Life in isolation: Italian author Francesca Garolla
- An Update From The Gate Theatre regarding Covid-19
- Trainers Rehearsal Diary: Week 3
- Trainers Rehearsal Diary: Week 2
- Trainers Rehearsal Diary: Week 1
- Faces in the Crowd: Rehearsal Diary
- Sneak Peak Sketches: Faces In The Crowd
- What’s Cooking In The Rehearsal Room? Tamales!
- An Interview With Mika Forsling: We Open Our Mouth – And Listen
- Land Without Dreams: Rehearsal Diary
- Discover…Fix&Foxy
- Mephisto [A Rhapsody]: Rehearsal Diary
- An Interview with Kirsty Housley: Mephisto [A Rhapsody]
- Mephisto [A Rhapsody]: An Introduction
- Green Gate Challenge: June
- Interview with Wael Ali: Under a Low Sky (Original French Interview)
- Interview with Wael Ali: Under a Low Sky (English Translation)
- An Interview with Amer Hlehel: Chronicles of Majnun Layla
- An Interview With Dima Mikhayel Matta: This is Not a Memorized Script, This is a Well-Rehearsed Story
- An Interview with Hanane Hajj Ali: Jogging
- An Interview with Yara Boustany: ēvolvō
- An Interview with Enkidu Khaled: Working Method
- How It Was Made: Why The Child Is Cooking In The Polenta
- Letters To The Earth
- Culture Declares Emergency
- The Ridiculous Darkness Rehearsal Diary: Weeks 2 & 3
- The Ridiculous Darkness: Rehearsal Pictures
- The Ridiculous Darkness Rehearsal Diary: Week 1
- A Small Place Rehearsal Diary: Week 4
- A Small Place Rehearsal Diary: Week 3
- A Small Place Rehearsal Diary: Week 2
- A Small Place: Rehearsal Photos
- A Small Place Rehearsal Diary: Week 1
- The Human Voice Rehearsal Diary: Week 3
- The Human Voice: Rehearsal Photos
- The Human Voice Rehearsal Diary: Week 2
- The Human Voice Rehearsal Diary: Week 1
- Announcement: New Executive Director
- Counting Plastic
- Rosie Elnile joins us as an Associate Artist
- Come Work With Us
- New season announcement
- Effigies of Wickedness: Rehearsal Diary
- Trust rehearsals: Final week
- Meet the Design Assistant: Kaajel Patel
- Trust rehearsals: Week 3
- Trust rehearsals: Week 2
- Trust rehearsals: Week 1
- Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 rehearsals: Week 3
- Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 rehearsals: Week 2
- Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 rehearsals: Week 1
- Ellen McDougall on Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 and Trust
- Green Gate challenge: November
- The challenges of cross-language collaboration
- Suzy Storck rehearsals: Week 4
- Joint Statement on the Theatre Industry
- Suzy Storck rehearsals: Week 3
- Suzy Storck rehearsals: Week 2
- The uncanny world of Suzy Storck: Cécile Trémolières
- What are stories? Ellen McDougall
- Suzy Storck rehearsals: Week 1
- The Gate is Green: Daisy Cooper
- The Unknown Island rehearsals: Week 4
- ‘And then what happened?’: Margaret Jull Costa
- The Possibility of the Impossible: Clare Slater
- The Unknown Island Rehearsals: Week 3
- The Unknown Island Rehearsals: Week 2
- The Unknown Island Rehearsals: Week 1
- The Gate is Green
- The Unknown Island: Designer’s Vision
- The Gate is Open: Season 17/18
- April’s Green Gate Challenge: Walking and Talking
- The expected and the unexpected
- Meet the Writer: Kalungi Ssebandeke
- Meet the Designer: Frankie Bradshaw
- A farewell from Christopher Haydon
- London Theatre Consortium Green Programme
- January’s Green Gate Challenge 2017
- December’s Green Gate challenge
- The Convert Rehearsals
- Updated Green Gate Policy
- November’s Green Gate Challenge
- October’s Green Gate Challenge
- I Call My Brothers: Rehearsal blog
- Green Gate: 4 stars from Julie’s Bicycle
- September’s Green Gate Challenge
- Designing for Theatre: A Response
- Interview with: Jo Royce
- August’s Green Gate Challenge
- July’s Green Gate Challenge
- Diary of a Madman: Designer’s Vision
- Diary of a Madman: Director’s Vision
- Diary of a Madman Rehearsals: Week 3
- Diary of a Madman: Writer’s Vision
- Interview with: Lynette Linton
- Diary of a Madman Rehearsals: Week 2
- Diary of a Madman Rehearsals: Week 1
- Interview with: Jake Stepansky
- June’s Green Gate Challenge
- NEW SEASON: Too Close to Home
- May’s Green Gate Challenge
- A Quartet of Workshops
- April’s Green Gate Challenge
- Here’s How It All Began
- Here’s How the Music Began: A Blog by Adult Jazz
- Here’s How the Words Began: A Blog by Writer Clare Slater
- Community Reporter: The Iphigenia Quartet
- The Iphigenia Quartet Rehearsals: Week 3 with Jade
- Interview with the Designer: Cécile Trémolières
- The Iphigenia Quartet Rehearsals: Week 3 with Ed
- Catching up with Design Assistant Bex Kemp
- The Iphigenia Quartet Podcast
- The Iphigenia Quartet Rehearsals: Week 2 with Jade
- The Iphigenia Quartet Rehearsals: Week 2 with Ed
- March’s Green Gate Challenge
- The Iphigenia Quartet Rehearsals: Week 1 with Ed
- The Iphigenia Quartet Rehearsals: Week 1 with Jade
- Interning at the Gate Theatre
- February’s Green Gate Challenge
- SOAS Partnership
- Gate Debate: New Writing
- Welcome To The Jungle
- Community Reporter: In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises)
- In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises) Rehearsals: Week 4
- January’s Green Gate Challenge
- A Nation’s Theatre
- In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises) Rehearsals: Week 3
- In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises) Trailer
- In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises) Podcast
- Sound Design with George Dennis
- In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises) Rehearsals: Week 2
- Interview with the Designer: Georgia Lowe
- Working at the Gate as an Apprentice
- In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises) Rehearsals: Week 1
- Gate Late: Black, Queer, and Working
- Black Queer Actors’ Playground + Bootycandy
- Bootycandy | Black Out
- Touch Tour – HOT IN HERE
- Touch Tour – Brassic FM
- Touch Tour – Bootycandy
- Brassic FM
- HOT IN HERE (an energy-generating dance party)
- Bootycandy
- Gate Late: Migrants Organise
- The Caravan Theatre
- Route 27: Voices
- A Sudden Violent Burst of Rain
- Global Origins: REROUTED with Maya Zbib
- Dear Elizabeth 2021 Gate @ Theatro Technis
- Gate Late: New Dreams
- Global Origins: REROUTED with James Ngcobo
- Gate Late: Gate Generations
- BLACKLASH: Rachael Young + Guests
- Letters: Irfan Shamji & Elizabeth Chan
- Letters: Hannah Ringham & Nina Bowers Show Three
- Letters: Annie Siddons & Joseph Akubeze
- Letters: Phoebe Fox & Thalissa Teixeira
- Letters: Helena Lymbery & Isabel Adomakoh Young
- Gate Late: with the Co-Directing Team of Letters
- Letters: Kayla Meikle & Chris Thorpe
- Letters: Nina Bowers & Hannah Ringham Show Two
- Letters: Tim Crouch & Nadia Albina
- Letters: Alex Austin & Nigel Barrett
- Letters: Kwame Owusu & Francesca Henry
- Letters
- The Politics of Space and Theatre Design with Rosie Elnile
- Town Hall: How do we rebuild better?
- Gate Late Live: Home – Open Mic Night with Dean Atta
- Postponed – Introduction to Sound with Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley
- Gate Late: Sylvan Oswald and Broderick D.V. Chow, On Trainers, And Trans-Theatre
- Gate Late Live with Dean Atta
- Postponed- NEW 2020: MOON LICKS
- Postponed- NEW 2020: HALF FULL
- Postponed- NEW 2020: RIPPLES
- Postponed-NEW: 2020
- Open Rehearsal: Trainers…
- Hannah Ringham: Creative Collaboration
- Anoushka Lucas: Solo Concert (One Night Only)
- Adaptation and Translation with Christina MacSweeney & Maria Jose Andrade
- 40th Anniversary Gala Performance and Mexican Fiesta
- Making LGBTQI+ Theatre Workshop
- Open Rehearsal: Faces in the Crowd
- Land Without Dreams Workshop: The Art of Solo Performance with Temi Wilkey
- Rosa-Johan Uddoh: Maximum Self Esteem
- Let’s Talk About Climate Change
- We Open Our Mouth – and Listen
- MEPHISTO [A RHAPSODY] WORKSHOP: Design this space with Basia Bińkowska
- Open Rehearsal: Land Without Dreams
- Theatre Making Workshop with Hanane Hajj Ali
- Open Rehearsal: Mephisto [A Rhapsody]
- Postponed- OMEROS
- Shubbak: Writing in Europe: experiences, opportunities and risks
- Shubbak: Queer Voices in Arab Performance
- Shubbak: Working with Music
- The Queer House Presents
- The Queer House Presents: Since U Been Gone (Edinburgh Preview)
- The Queer House Presents: Pink Lemonade (Edinburgh Preview)
- Why the Child is Cooking in the Polenta
- Between Eternity and Time
- Shubbak Playreadings
- Shubbak: Working Method | نظرية اشتغال مسرحي
- Shubbak: Under a Low Sky | تحت سماء واطئة
- Shubbak: Jogging | جوغينغ
- Shubbak: Ēvolvō: Family Performance | ليلة ويوم
- Shubbak: Ēvolvō + One Day & One Night Beirut | ايفولفو | ليلة ويوم – بيروت
- Shubbak: Mette Loulou von Kohl & Dima Mikhayel Matta
- Shubbak: Chronicles of Majnun Layla | أخبار مجنون ليلى
- New 2019
- Political Dramaturgy with Nina Segal
- The Ridiculous Darkness: In Conversation with Bridget Minamore
- Dear Elizabeth: Open Mic with Dean Atta
- Designing for Unusual Spaces
- A Small Place: In Conversation with Jamaica Kincaid
- A Small Place: In Conversation with Martina Laird
- Suzy Storck in France
- A Small Place: In Conversation with Winsome Pinnock
- Workshop: Devising from Non-Fiction
- In Conversation with Emily Reynolds
- Workshop: Working with Monodrama
- Fun Palaces 2018
- The Arts Educational Sixth Form Acting Company present ‘Game’ by Mike Bartlett
- Shubbak @ Gate
- The Ridiculous Darkness
- Dear Elizabeth
- A Small Place
- The Human Voice
- Harambee
- Lucy McCormick: Making Work from Scratch
- In Conversation: Peter Brathwaite and Michael Haas
- In Conversation: Falk Richter
- Working with Postdramatic Text
- 1600 deaths in custody: what about police brutality in the UK?
- NEW: 2018
- In Conversation: Paul Mason
- In Conversation: David Lammy
- Gate Theatre Gala
- In conversation with Angela Saini and Aviah Sarah Day
- Gate Debate: Ben Okri and Clare Slater on The Unknown Island
- Translating for Theatre
- Adaptation for Theatre
- Effigies of Wickedness
- Trust
- Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992
- Suzy Storck
- The Unknown Island
- Summer Festivals
- The playwright and director relationship
- Building a career as director
- Producing for the stage
- NEW: 2017
- Grounded: 200th Performance Celebration
- Grounded 2017
- The Convert
- Assata Taught Me
- Pub Quiz Fundraiser 2016
- The Director and Designer Relationship
- Gate Crashers
- Designing for Theatre
- I Call My Brothers
- Diary of a Madman
- Paines Plough and Tamasha present Come To Where I’m From: London
- Tangle presents: WORKSHOP NEGATIVE
- Gate Debate: Confrontations with Iphigenia
- Creating and Directing a Dynamic Space
- Want to be a Producer?
- How to be an Assistant Director
- Writing for the Stage with Chris Thorpe
- Meet Your Neighbours @ the Gate
- Andrew Schneider: YOUARENOWHERE
- Gate Debate: New Plays: Commissions, Developments and Discoveries
- Acting with Ben Kidd
- NEW: 2016
- In the Night Time (Before the Sun Rises)
- The Iphigenia Quartet
- Reimagining Classics: Gate Debate with Emma Cole
- Leadership, Faith and Radical Change: Gate Debate with Giles Fraser
- FREE Singing Workshop at the Gate
- Singing Workshops on the Royal Mile!
- Pub Quiz Fundraiser
- Retelling Classics with Anne-Louise Sarks
- Directing Plays with Christopher Haydon
- Revolution, Activism and Freedom: Paul Mason Gate Debate
- Activism, Revolution and Human Rights: Gate Debate with Shami Chakrabarti
- Breaking Into Directing
- Zimbabwean Theatre with Lucian Msamati
- The Christians by Lucas Hnath
- Image of an Unknown Young Woman
- Kimathi Donkor
- Word of Mouth Performance
- Growth
- NEW: 2015
- Candida Powell-Williams
- The Director Designer Relationship
- Toby Jones: On Acting
- Akala – The ruins of empires
- Eclipsed
- The Rise and Shine of Comrade Fiasco
- Julia R. Gallego
- Suli Holum: Theatrical Presence
- Lord Robert Winston Q & A on Chimera
- Electra First Run
- Under The Curse
- Happy Yet?
- Gone Missing
- The Arab-Isaeli Cookbook
- Marieluise
- Tshepand
- Woyzeck
- Tejas Verdes
- Hair
- The Emperor Jones
- Ghosts
- The Great Highway
- In A Celebration of Harold Pinter
- Hear and Now
- Big Love
- The Chairs
- Things of Dry Hours
- Nakamitsu
- The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents
- The Car Cemetery
- I Am Falling (First Production)
- Press (First Production)
- The Internationalist
- Shoot/Get Treasure/Repeat – Women In Love & Armageddon
- Sisters
- Hedda
- I Am Falling
- State of Emergency
- Unbroken
- Nocturnal
- Press
- Medea Medea
- Vanya
- The Kreutzer Sonata
- Breathing Irregular
- Micro
- Lulu
- Domini Public
- Etiquette
- Susurrus
- The Knowledge Emporium
- How To Be Another Woman
- Joseph K
- Jackson’s Way
- Beyond The Gate
- Fatherland
- Electra
- Dream Story
- Wittenberg
- The Difference Engine
- Logobi 05
- Yerma
- The Kreutzer Sonata second run
- The Summer House
- Tenet
- White Rabbit Red Rabbit
- The Prophet
- Sunset Baby
- The Trojan Women
- Gruesome Playground Injuries
- Purple Heart
- Forest Fringe
- Dances of Death
- Wild Thing I Love You
- The Match
- No Place To Go
- 35 Years of The Gate: Carrie Cracknell, Lou Stein and Christopher Haydon
- Paul Hunter: The Way Of The Idiot
- Emma Rice: The Collective Imagination
- Nick Payne – Writing for Theatre: Structure
- Jon Bausor: Designing for Theatre
- Lyndsey Turner: Directing a Classic Play
- In Conversation with Bailey’s Prize for Fiction Winner Eimear McBride
- Cara Nahaul
- Little Stitches
- Grounded in Gothenburg
- Grounded on Tour
- Translating Idomeneus: A conversation with David Tushingham hosted by Geraldine Brodie of UCLs Theatre Translation Forum
- Who Does She Think She Is? season
- Rosie Farrell: Idomeneus
- The Chronicles of Kalki
- Chimera
- The Edge of Our Bodies
- Edith Hall: Into the Moral Labyrinth of Idomeneus
- Directing an Ensemble
- Directing Masterclass with Christopher Haydon
- Ed Cotterill: Grounded
- Alice Ross: Bureau of Investigative Journalism
- Getting your show produced on the Fringe
- Grounded in Washington
- Idomeneus
- Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama: New
- Grounded
- Diggin by boyleANDshaw
- At The Kitchen Table: boyleANDshaw
- Dr Ruth Adams: Fear & Loathing & Las Meninas
- I’d Rather Goya Robbed Me of My Sleep Than Some Other Arsehole
- Gate Debate: Representations of War with Derek Eland and Ambit Magazine
- The Body of an American
- Travis Beard and Sorious Samura
- Gate Curate: Cyrus Mahboubian
- Design: the Creative Process