This summer, we are keeping it local at the Gate Theatre with a series of festivals celebrating our community.
Future Kitchen
Future Kitchen is an attempt to radically imagine possibilities for the community we live in through the form of recipes. It is an ongoing project developed by the Gate Theatre's Young Associates, with direction from Lynette Linton.
Twist the top of the bandstand to release the flavour of the music. Encourage those who have not yet found their tune to enter the bandstand and soak up the music.
Lay out 2 houses of parliament and lightly dust with a heaped jug of honest politicians and public servants. Make sure to use sieve to prevent any undiscovered clumps of corruption making it into the final batch.
The performance builds on the form of a TV-style cooking show, providing space for the audience to invent their own recipes for change.The idea is based on the work of German installation artist, Folke Kobberling, who's project, Transit Kitchen, was an inspiration for us.
Previous Events
New Youthquake, 27 May 2017
Our Young Associates held a stall at New YouthQuake, meeting members of the community to write recipes for the future as part of Future Kitchen.
InTransit Festival, 17 June 2017
Our events as part of InTransit Festival were postponed due to the devastating Grenfell Tower and rescheduled for The Gate is Open.
Fun Palaces, 18 June 2017
We opened our theatre to the local community and offered free tea and cake, to discuss their ideas for the Gate as part of Fun Palaces.
The Gate is Open, 1 July 2017
A performance featuring our Young Asociates' Future Kitchen, a Ben Okri OBE reading and Adjoa Andoh and Paterson Joseph performing an extract of Derek Walcott's Omeros.