Postponed-NEW: 2020
Sometimes there are no safe spaces. In a group rehab centre in Bridgend, eight people are forced together to confront, relive and replay the traumas of their past. Sharing nothing in common but the addictions they are battling to overcome. How can they fix each other – when the world is broken?
A world that crumbles with our many experiences. Supermarket shelves are coming to life, the testimonies of their produce urging to be heard. Tables across the nation, buckling under the pressure of our spaces to commune.
Stuck to shiny slick screens, pretending to be people, our animal instincts spill out sideways with catastrophic consequences. Animal humans or human animals, did we forget mother nature’s in charge?
Université, République Française, 2020. A Rhinoceros stampedes through campus. Drifting student Nicky is at loss, what even is truth any more? Nothing feels real – except, maybe that Rhinoceros…