Alongside all the shows in every season we programme, we invite a selection of thinkers, writers and academics to bring their expertise and ideas into direct discussions with our audience.
I'd Rather Goya... Gate Debate: Dr Ruth Adams
Fear & Loathing & Las Meninas: Radical collage as political gesture and artistic practice
Ruth Adams has worked as a lecturer in Cultural & Creative Industries at King's College London since 2003, where she convenes a postgraduate programme and teaches courses on Heritage, Youth Subcultures and the relationship between Culture & Commerce. She writes about museums, punk rock, and the enduring potency of the British royal family as an image and an ideal. She is interested in how nostalgia and perceptions of the past shape our understanding of the present, legacies of colonialism, how socio-economic circumstances influence cultural choices, in the interplay between high art and popular culture, and examples of the eruption of the avant-garde into the everyday.