About our Manifesto
The Gate has existed for over 40 years. As well as celebrating the trailblazing artists who began their careers here, we want to look ahead to what the next 40 years and beyond might require of us.
The Gate has always been small; which means fleet of foot, open to change, a place to experiment, to take risks, to be brave, and ultimately a place to try new ideas that can affect the wider industry.
There are so many reasons to radically reimagine how and why we make theatre – relating to the climate crisis, an unstable global political landscape, the necessity of making work that is accessible to everyone and representational of the world we live in.
A Manifesto for our Future is a way to shout about the things we believe in, and declare the things we want to be held accountable for. We want it to be a celebration of our values and a starting point for change. And we hope it will be a way to hold complexity and nuance, and to imagine possible futures.