Trust has been an incredibly exciting play to work on as an assistant designer. Reading the play in preparation for the first rehearsal I had a million and one questions for Bethany (the designer) about how to begin staging a script that is so abstract.
When I saw the model box and heard Jude (the director) and Bethany discuss their plans to make the theatre itself into a makeshift property guardianship, filled with lots of life hacks – sparkly mood lifting curtains, chic hipster furniture & a mini gin bar – I was SUPER INSPIRED! The best method I found was to keep drawing through rehearsals as we talked about ideas then I’d colour them in to highlight the good ideas that seem to work for Jude.
The play has many themes and poetically expresses loads of ideas that spring up in the space, like cabaret acts. This means the set and costume is ever-changing so I had loads of pretty random fun projects to work on and trial out. For example, how to make a sparkly sequin wall, how to make a wolf mask, sourcing a yellow chunky necklace a french politician might wear, playing with smoothie ingredients to make the ultimate health cocktail, and charity shopping for original bits of costume.
I am still not entirely sure what the overall world of Trust will look like but I know what it feels like – and that's the really exciting part! Things are coming together organically in rehearsals, I can't wait to get into the space this week to help Bethany create this live artwork.
Catch previews of Trust this week 22, 23 and 24 February for only £10.