Each month at the Gate, we set ourselves a monthly Green Gate Challenge. Green Gate is what we call our sustainability policy and we like to embark on monthly challenges.
The challenges are about changing how we think in the long term (and not just for that month), but we’ve found that giving each month a focus helps us keep sustainability and our Green Gate Policy at the forefront of our thinking as an organisation.
This month we decide to think more carefully about our water use. Tea is a big thing for all Gate staff, so we decided to make this the focus for May. We only boiled the kettle for the water we needed when making a cuppa, as well as being more vigilant around water waste when washing up. We don’t have a dishwasher at Gate HQ, but if we did, we’d be putting on only when it’s full and on an energy efficient setting.
We do, however, have hippos in our toilets too (you heard right), which is a low cost water saving device to help conserve water in toilet cisterns. It’s glamourous at the Gate Theatre!
Glamour and sustainability.
As always, here’s how some of the Gate team found it!
This month I got into the habit of measuring out water by the cup when making a tea/coffee round in order to save boiling unnecessary water. We have signs up reminding us to do this (we do love a bit of #GreenGate signage in the office, so our visitors know what we’re up to and can in turn feel inspired), but this month I remembered to act on it! It was a really simple change, and so one to keep. That said, boiling less water does speed you up when you’re on a tea round, so if you’re looking for a bit of healthy procrastination, then perhaps pop out for milk too, or you will be back at your desk before you know it.
Chrissy Angus, General Manager
I loved this challenge, because I’m normally really guilty of using too much water when washing up and tea-making. I made a conscious effort to use less and it really worked. Since we started this challenge I’ve found myself making this positive change at home too, so that feels great.
Clare Slater, Executive Director
I like to think myself a bit of a green warrior but water consumption is not something I normally think about. As an avid tea drinker, to be told to think about water consumption was a real challenge! I’m not sure anything changed for me in the office in the month, but I’m definitely more conscious now of the water I’m using when washing up or boiling the kettle. I’ve seen real change at home though – I’ve added a 4 minute timer to the shower and am installing a water butt in the garden. Small changes but hopefully all helping the planet.
Fiona English, Development Manager
I really enjoyed this month’s challenge as I’ve never really thought about water consumption before. I’m not a tea drinker (I know, horror!) so I didn’t have any of the startling discoveries concerning boiling the kettle but I did think about my morning routine – having a shower, brushing my teeth. I feel so much more conscious of my water usage and the decisions I make. It really is all about the little changes that help to save the world, and I’m enjoying playing my part.
Natasha Brown, Marketing and Audience Development Officer